Differentiating snail intermediate hosts of Schistosoma spp. using molecular approaches: fundamental to successful integrated control mechanism in Africa
Differentiating snail intermediate hosts of Schistosoma spp. using molecular approaches: fundamental to successful integrated control mechanism in Africa
发布科室:科教处    发布作者:寄生虫病所    

  The review identified the significance of snail intermediate hosts in the transmission of snail-borne trematode infections especially schistosomiasis in Africa.

  The study, therefore, highlights the importance of molecular approaches in differentiating snail hosts population structure and the need to provide adequate information on snail host populations by updating snail hosts genome database for Africa.

  We stressed the need to improve efforts on snail studies through differentiating snail hosts because such information is important and would help provide insight on the intrinsic host-parasites relationship as well as ecology of snail intermediate hosts and their roles in disease transmission.

  The study, also, identified gaps including inadequate information on mapping of snail host distribution in Africa, dearth of malacology expertise and poor awareness on the danger pose by the presence of these snail hosts in waterbodies across Africa. We emphasized the need for urgent intervention to facilitate effective integrated control of schistosomiasis and other snail-borne trematode infections.

  There is need to prioritize snail studies especially snail differentiation using molecular tools as this would help boost disease surveillance and also enhance efficient schistosomiasis control programme in Africa.



文章录入:    责任编辑:    发布时间:2018-12-27 10:16:12